Saturday, March 27, 2010

pride is a sneaky son-of-a-gun

Tuesday nights, me and a group of amazing gals get together for activate group. I am honored, privileged and humbled that I get to lead this group of strong women. A couple tuesdays ago, I came home after group and replayed the whole evening in my head, praying to Him about it.

'Lord, we didn't get to finish discussing the whole week of study....'

I replayed conversations in my head....'Did I answer that person right Lord?'

This went on for a couple days......sadly....

and that's when these 3 things jumped off of the study page!

self focus....

am I doing this right?

my performance....

The 'I' in 'Am I doing this right?' seemed to be in BOLD, UNDERLINED AND ITALICS!!!! and God was tugging at my heart saying'....

'andrea, I don't need YOU to do it right...I AM.'

Oh andrea......

He doesn't need my answers to be right. He doesn't need us to finish the whole week of study.

He doesn't depend on my performance. period.

Writing it out sounds FREAKIN CRAZY!! For me to actually think GOD....THE GOD WHO CREATED THE UNIVERSE....depends on me to carry out this or that! Have you lost your mind, girl?!?! :)

But that is where pride is a sneaky son-of-a-gun!

Obadiah 1:3....The pride of your heart has deceived you.

Whether I'm downing myself OR thinking I'm 'all that and a bag of chips', the problem is I'm focusing on my SELF.

Later in the study, Beth Moore says it like this....'Pride is self-absorption, whether we're absorbed with how miserable we are or how wonderful we are. Humility is God-focused not self-focused.'

The truth is.....

He doesn't depend on me.....He desires me...

He desires my focus to be on HIM. Not on my self trying to please Him.

Do you replay things you do? Do you seek perfection? Do you struggle with low self-esteem? When we struggle with these things the focus is on us and NOT HIM! :(

Lord, take our eyes off of us and put them on YOU!

1 comment:

  1.'s not all about me???? Whew! Thank goodness. Now the hard part...remembering that!!!
