Thursday, April 29, 2010


the link just takes you to you tube....sorry! type in 'blessed union of souls i wanna be there'. i chose the 2nd one down with the black screen and lyrics.

He wants to be there

Tuesday night at activate group we listened to a song that one of the gals in the group brought to me. I totally and completely wanted to share it in blogworld!

Before we listened to it, she shared that she was in a rough spot and was going through some old cd's and came across this one: Blessed Union of Souls - 'I wanna be there'. She shared with us that as she listened to it, the words being sung were God singing them to her.

So as you listen....hear His romantic and loving voice singing to you....wanting you. He wants to be there....we just have to choose to let Him in.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Lord, I don't want to be overwhelmed by things.....

I want to be OVERWHELMED by Your love......

Show me the wonders of Your GREAT, AMAZING and COMPLETE love today! Psalm 17:7