Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Quality trumps Quantity

Sunday I was overwhelmed with thankfulness on so many levels. The message at church was important vs. urgent. It was filled with beautiful reminders of what God has taught me and continues to teach me.

The one I was reminded of and the most thankful for was something God taught me in Wellston, Ohio where Heath had his first head football coaching job. Two baby girls at home, far from family and Heath was putting his heart and soul into his football ministry. Many nights he would only be home for a short time. I don't remember where, when or how the conversation took place but I do remember me saying the following:

QUALITY time spent with us is more important to me than HOW MUCH time you spend with us.

I don't need hours and hours of his time....would I like that? sometimes :). But, Oh the difference this has made in our life and in our marriage! I am so thankful to God that Heath was receiving of this. I do remember the night when he got home late and instead of us turning on the tv....we sat at the island while he ate his dinner and talked about our days.

There are some days Heath is only home for a half hour but he comes through that door and is ready to kiss on his kiddos and play some form of chase or go for a bike ride or play a board game or listen to their days. I know he is exhausted, but he makes that a priority.

Every February/March when football goes into full swing at the Hinton household....quality vs. quantity has to be reiterated to both of us, in probably not such a thankful, nice way ;) so it was nice on Sunday to be reminded of it in a thankful way. To listen to that message I'm sure it will be posted soon on http://www.celebration247.com/ and I'm sure there will be more thoughts on http://www.mattbrentblogspot.com/

Quality vs. Quantity can be applied to all areas of my life....God, me, Heath, our kids, fam & friends, dangling my tootsies off the edge of nowhere, exercise and eating right.....there is ALWAYS 5 minutes for anything.

Friday, May 7, 2010

more i loves.....

*i love Your sense of humor in the midst of discipline.

*i love Your words.
psalm 40:11....Your love and Your truth always protect me.

*i love that You are quick to forgive.

*i love Your love for life.
psalm 43:4...You are my joy and my delight.

*i love that You are emotional.
psalm 2:4,5...You laugh....and You get angry.

*i love that You love to love me!
deuteronomy 7:7,8....You did not set Your affection on me and choose me for anything i did. But it was because You loved me! :)

things i love about you, God....

*i love that You want to know me.
psalm 139:1...You search me and know me.

*i love that You want what is best for me. (and that picture will probably look totally different than what i think)
psalm 51:6....You desire truth in my inner parts, You teach me wisdom in my inmost place

*i love that You are in control and know EXACTLY where to go.
psalm 43:3...send Your light and Your truth, let them guide me.

*i love Your VARIETY!

*i love Your CREATIVITY!

*i love Your SPONTANEITY!

*i love Your communication (You read my mind :)
psalm 139:4....BEFORE a word is on my tongue You know it completely.

*i love Your power and strength!

*i love when You draw me close.
psalm 139:5....You draw me in...

*i love Your gentle touch.
psalm 139:5....You have laid Your hand on me.

Monday, May 3, 2010

don't settle.

Sanctus Real sings a song called 'Whatever You're Doing'. The past few weeks, God has been tugging at my heart when this song comes up. The lyrics that resonate the most are:

You're up to something thats bigger than me.

He whispered again yesterday.....'don't settle.'

What this means to me is this....'don't settle for YOUR plans, andrea'

By NOT spending time in prayer and in His Word DAILY....I'm saying 'I would rather do what I have planned today' I'm settling for less.

BUT, on the other GLORIOUS hand, when I am in prayer and in His Word EACH DAY....I'm saying 'I'm ready for whatever YOU want to do today, Lord! I don't want to settle for what I think might be a good plan...I can't even fathom all the GOOD You got going on!'

Do you have time with Him each day? I have been reading a Psalm a day. They are short and sweet....O so sweet.

Lord, I surrender to whatever You want to do today and tomorrow and the next day and the next day and....... :)