Tuesday, July 20, 2010


One of my favorite things about listening to a message on Sunday is going over my notes the following week and seeing what else God has to say to me.

I love teachings that may be hard to listen to and may be hard to swallow but give me lots to chew on during the week. I love learning, I love growing and I want to do whatever it takes to look more like Him and love Him more!

It was these kind of teachings that changed my outlook and my perspective on reflecting Jesus properly in my life. I was talking a good game but wasn't walking it out in my character or my actions. The teachings were Mirror Christianity (reading God's Word and doing what it says), Off the Hook Christianity (forgiveness, release), and Safe Christianity (people's names are safe when I talk about them). Well I'm ready for them again! I'm ready to be challenged and transformed from the inside out! The process never ends.

At Celebration, Matt is doing a series this summer called Everday Christianity. We were in Titus on Sunday. The verse that hit me again this morning was:

Titus 1:16.....they claim to know God but by their actions they deny Him.


What actions do I do that deny You, Lord?

How is my tone when I talk to others? Is it gentle and full of love?
How do I react in difficult circumstances?
Am I consistent with how I talk to people when they are around and when they aren't around?
Do I speak life or death into situations?
Do I choose to say positive rather than negative things?
Am I easily offended?
Am I self reflective or do I find fault in others?
Do I think I am better than the next person?

Titus 2:10b....so that in every way we will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.

Lord, I pray that in every way and in everything I do or say or don't say, that I make wanting to know You and love You attractive. I want to look like You.

On Sunday, Matt said 'Offer something different than anyone else.'

Reality is most people who don't know and love Jesus, look more like Him than us folks who claim to love Him.

And I don't mean in their appearances. I mean in their character, in their deeds, in their love, in their kindness, in their self-control.

Christians have a reputation for being hypocritical, judgemental and pushing their religion onto people. Who wants some more of that?

So let's instead show love without words.
Let's step it up.
Let Him transform our character from the inside out to reflect Him more properly....to make Him more attractive to others.

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