Monday, May 9, 2011

a day-after-mother's-day TREAT

i love this devo book!!!

it is jen hatmaker's 'out of the spin cycle...devotions to lighten your motherload'.

i cannot say enough wonderful things about it or share it with enough mommas! it is serious good. i laugh. i cry. it hits home with so many of my own stories.

today i was reminded and wanted to share this one:

You want to be the mom of your kids' dreams? Want to give them security, health, stability, and happiness? Love your husband. Love him so much it's almost embarrassing. Kiss him, hug him, talk about him to your kids like your heart would expire without him. Refuse to let issues fester until you blow like Mount Vesuvius and char everyone. Have sex with him (this alone would solve most of his problems). Tell your children their daddy is a hero and they're the luckiest kids to belong to him. Be his fan. The best gift for your kids is parents who are crazy for each other. (Did I mention have sex with him?). Love each other well, and your house will stand, sweet friend.

i know mother's day is a day where we either love our husbands more because of special attention we got OR we want to wring their necks because we didn't get any special attention at all.

i say 'choose LOVE' today. maybe even....gasp!....have sex with him! (little sidenote...i have more blogs about this coming my fellow WIVES...stay tuned!)

whether you had a wonderful mother's day or a sucky one...treat yourself to this book. treat your husband to some love. and treat your kids to a happy mom and dad.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder! We tend to focus on the negative about our husbands, (and just about everything). I often hear about divorced couples putting down each other in front of their children and think it’s just awful. Even if we do this in “little” ways it’s still wrong. Be positive!
    God taught me something a few years ago. I always thought I could “fix” my husband. God showed me that I can’t change him. Only He can change him (if he needs changing), and maybe it’s me that needs to change. We don’t stop and look inward and think God might want us to change. It’s easy to look outward and see problems, but if we look inward, we might have to change and that takes discipline, and that’s hard. We tend to forget that God loves our husbands as much as he loves us. (yes, I read this in something, but don’t remember what-but it hit me like a ton of bricks). Jesus died for him too! We just need to submit to God, pray, and be like Him, and He will guide us. This is an overall theme in the SS book we are studying right now-“God In You” by David Jeremiah (check it out). We need to be in communion with God and he will speak to us through the Holy Spirit. If we don’t plug our coffee pot in we won’t have coffee in the morning. If we don’t stay plugged in to THE ULTIMATE POWER SOURCE we will not have the guidance we need to make it through our lives…(with peace and joy, by the way)
    Looking forward to your future posts…dr. ruth! 
