Friday, April 8, 2011


last week and still, i've been asking myself some hard questions in light of my relationship with God. so hold on to your shorts...this is going to be a heavy post. and for my friends who will ask 'are you ok?'...yes i am fine (*grin*). im just examining myself and feel impressed to share these questions... how far am i willing to go for God? how much am i willing to give up? how much of my comforts am i willing to give up? how far am i willing to say yes to Him? do i have a limit? am i truly OPEN to whatever He wants for my life? at whatever cost?

i watched the closing video from sun stand still by steven furtick for my activate group. amazing book. a definate 'must read'. maybe i'll write a review on it later...someday...heck. probably not. but it sounded good. *wink*. anyways... my encouragement was this... steven furtick said: "when the dream inside you looks nothing like the situation around you." and then he later prayed: "i pray you believe when you can't see Him. that you trust Him when you can't discern what He's doing."

what dreams do you have? a broken relationship restored? a fulfilling marriage? a healthy lifestyle...weight loss/gain? addictions released? job? impact?

what are you willing to give up? control? comfort?

for more info on sun stand still, check out

1 comment:

  1. can we pretend run-on sentences are beautiful in my last two posts??? im having trouble with spacing and no clue why?
