Monday, October 18, 2010

embrace your life

Saturday night I was reminded...

Embrace your life.

I have been in a poopy, super exhausted mode lately. It is football season, but that gives me no excuse.

I am a football coach's wife. Or some call us coaches' widows. I miss my babe. I'm overwhelmed at home. I'm mad at my babe because I miss him. I can't get caught up on life. Our team is losing week after week. Our football boys are getting hurt left and right. Some are serving jailtime for poor choices. There's drama in the stands. The list can go on and on. That is...if I let it.

I can choose to focus differently.
I can choose to have a different perspective.
I can choose to see what IS done around the house as opposed to what is NOT done.
I can choose to see my mess of a house as a home filled to the brim with blessings!
I can choose to cherish the time that I have with my babe as opposed to all the time I don't get to see him.
I can choose to see what he IS doing for me as opposed to what he is NOT doing for me.
I can choose to pray for our coaches, our football boys and our community with words of life, inspiration and power as opposed to scripting in my head what could happen in the future.

I am a football wife. I love my life. I love it with all its heartaches and joys. with all its lessons and chaos. with all its loneliness and fulfillment. I will embrace my life. I will embrace all the good things.

Do you do this? Do you embrace the good things in your husband, your kids, your friends, your family, yourself, God? Do you choose to see what they ARE as opposed to what they are not?

It is so hard sometimes. And it is so tiring sometimes. But the rewards of a healthy you with a healthy, uplifting environment around you is like no other!

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9


  1. i am a "preacher's wife"...need i go on??? ;-)

    you're right. how simple it is to focus on what is NOT happening, what is NOT getting done, what "they" are NOT doing and all the things you ARE doing. it's so easy to get wrapped up in that. it's what satan wants. it's a conscious effort to choose God and to talk and act and encourage like he would. glad i have such good supportive friends that help me make good choices.

  2. You both said it so nicely...I can't add anything, except I'm there with you both. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. You are 110% right! We need to be the positive force for our husbands as they are always surrounded by the negativity of the parents, fans and boys focused on what's not happening ... or what they think is not happening. It's takes so much more strength to be positive and we need to be strong to keep our homes positive to give our husbands the strength they need to face and overcome the negativeness surrounding them every single day.. even when the season is over.

  4. Love Love Love this! Definitely what I need to do at my home as well. Been feeling the exact same way and I thankful for friends that can see though it to look Upward! Hugs to all of us Coach's Wives. It takes a lot out of our men, our children and us but "through HIM all things are possible". Love ya!!!

  5. We truly do have to stir ourselves up. Choosing to focus on the blessings that God DOES load us with each and every day. I agree that some days it is easier to do that than others. But you are so right..."the rewards of a healthy you with a healthy, uplifting environment around you is like no other!"

    Lifting you up today!

  6. thanks girls! i love reading comments and your spin on things. what strong women!
